




Advanced Aquatic Solutions presented by:

Frentiu Enterprises LLC

For Commercial Public Swimming Pools

Installer of The Top Gun System, the pool operator's friend and "cockpit":

Total Disinfection System


Benefits of The System:

Usage per week



HCl 15%


T-Chlor 12%


CO2 liquid


Cost per week

Annual Cost


09/2009 – 12/2009


for 350 #


for 170 gal


for 320 gal





01/2010 – 04/2010



for 35 gal


for 200 gal


for 600 #




Difference in cost

- $91.00

- $387.45

- $169.20

+ $156.00

- $491.65


in Savings

Chemical Cost for 765,000 gallon outdoor pool and Annual Savings

From $70.02 per 1,000 gallons, per year, to $37.38 per 1,000 gallons, per year

46.60% Savings of $32.64 per 1,000 gallons of pool water, per year


q       The Annual Cost is based on three months of winter usage, open season and the same bather load average, in order to create a base for minimum savings.

q       The actual savings factor will be much higher, considering the increasing cost of bulk chemicals, as well as the increased chlorine and related chemical usage in the summer, with an increased demand for acid or CO2 usage (for lowering the pH).

q       CO2 raises Total Alkalinity, while lowering pH. The Acid feed rate for the pool used in the Study was lowered from 8 GPH to 3 GPH. The goal was to maintain TA closer to 90 – 100 ppm (instead of 80 ppm) and pH at 7.4 or lower (instead of 7.5 or higher), based on constant water temperature of 81 deg F, Calcium Hardness of 200 – 400 ppm, TDS of 2,000 – 6,000 ppm and no Cyanuric Acid (stabilizer).

q       Chlorine savings are accounted for in the increased percentage of chlorine effectiveness from lowering the pH setpoint. The amount of Hypochlorous Acid produced by the Sodium Hypochlorite chlorine is increased from 50.25% at a pH of 7.5, to 55.5% at a pH of 7.4 (7.2 pH = 66% and 7.6 = 45%), an overall increase of over 10%, making it possible to achieve the same ORP (HRR or mV) reading and disinfection potential with less chlorine, statistically shown to be with about one third less Sodium Hypochlorite.

q       There is no change in the Saturation index (LSI), as the increase in alkalinity is offset by lowering the pH.

q       The TDS level is maintained lower, with the decrease in chlorine usage and the elimination of Sodium Bicarbonate usage for Total Alkalinity. Less water dilution or pool draining, downtime for draining, cost of initial chemical treatment and re-heating the pool, etc.

q       CO2 usage will prevent accidental pH lowering, as Carbonic Acid cannot drop the pH of the pool below 6.5.

q       pH of water at the point of contact with the pool plaster is mild when using CO2, with little or no effect on the plaster finish, as compared to normal acid feed concentrations that damage the pool plaster around return inlet fittings, extending the life of the pool plaster by at least two years or more.

q       The Aux feeder and chemical shot feeder enable chemical feed while the pool is in use, independent of pool activities, making it possible to distribute chemicals proportionally into the pool, through the return inlet fittings.